Work packages

WP1 Management and Coordination Activities cover all the general management, financial Management, coordination of WPs, and submission of reports.

WP2 Needs Assessment is responsible for definition of demo farm and Geo-ICT lab requirements. It will also gather requirements for the digital tools and learning courses.

WP3 Design and Development of VET Courses, educational materials (teaching, exercises, exams) and exchange of good practices and techniques.

WP4 Design and Development of Digital Tools will propose methodology for pistachio management and monitoring, develop digital tools for pistachio monitoring and the eLearning platform for publishing online courses.

WP5 Design and Development of Demo Farm and Geo-ICT lab will design and develop a Demo Farm based on the requirements defined by the WP2 and design and developing the Geo-ICT lab, install the provided technologies.

WP6 ToT and VETFarm Monitoring and Evaluation covers all the aspects of the Training of Trainers (ToT), organizes workshops for trainers and experts. It also tests equipment, eLearning & Pistachio Management Platform and evaluates scenarios.

WP7 Impact and Dissemination will develop and deploy dissemination plan and sustainability strategy, implement all the dissemination activities, organize international scientific and practical conferences. It should also build a network for scaling up and sharing knowledge, build and manage website/web portal content.